Posts Tagged ‘Customer Reviews: Volfenhag Zx854r 5.25-Inch 350 Watt 2 Way Coaxial Car Speakers’

Customer Reviews: Volfenhag Zx854r 5.25-Inch 350 Watt 2 Way Coaxial Car Speakers

These speakers especially for the price were a great buy. They perform well even at lower wattage/ low volume situations. Low frequency is sublime. mid frequency(vocals instrumentals) are clear and accurately represented. High frequency is the only range in which they fall short. That being said, this a typical symptom of coaxial speakers. The overall sound to me is a 8.5 out of a possible 10. If they were tri-axial the ultra highs such as cymbals bells and flutes would be more pronounced. Over all I am very happy with the speakers. The German shows through even though they are assembled in China. they are built to last for years. Every single electronic component has at least four physical supports if not more. The vibration resistant frame means even under heavy loads they will not shake themselves apart. Two to three steps above front speakers in my Jeep. Would recommend you use at the very least a 50 watt channel receiver/ head unit tho achieve clarity and richness of sound. I have no idea what these other reviewers were talking about I like these “little speakers.”
